Renee Atkinson
Renee Atkinson, who works in fibers and mixed media and is additionally a poet, is a self-taught artist who has learned from many mentors along the way: a talented French-Canadian grandmother provided handcraft lessons early on, and Renee starting quilting at age 13; Renee’s mom was a very talented jewelry maker; her oldest brother Stashu is a master metal sculptor, now retired, who shared his studio and art appreciation with Renee. Throughout the years she has wandered into all forms of fiber arts and produced unique pieces of her own design and pattern. She was fortunate to have great teachers at exhibition workshops and professional coursework as time allowed. Her work always carries unique viewpoints.
A pattern maker, Renee has a significant inventory of fiber artwork including quilts, fabric collages and wearable art that are all unique, many with natural world themes. She has displayed her Fiber Arts throughout Oakland and Macomb County including Starkweather Arts Center and Armade in Michigan. Renee has practiced with the brush and pencil for many years and recently initiated a pursuit to exhibit her mixed media anthology.
Future plans include the fusion of Renee’s poetry into her art. The Buried Quilt, in progress, tells the story of the First Nations children who never returned home based on her poem “Buried” (Buried | Poetry Road,
Originally from Royal Oak, Renee has resided in Macomb Township for over 35 years. Her work can be found at Pink Tulip Quilting Arts on Etsy, IG, and Facebook. Her Poetry can be found on WordPress at PoetryRoadDotMe. Renee has an MBA and has worked for many years in health care regulation. She raised three incredible children on her own and now has 6 grandchildren she adores.
She is a member of the Detroit Society of Women Artists and Sculptors, the Guild (Ann Arbor), Power in Poetry Experience of Detroit, and Studio Art Quilt Association (SAQA).
Brick Building
Detroit Cityscape
May Flowers