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Asterisks denote founding members.
To see art by current members of the Detroit Society of Women Painters and Sculptors, click here.
Asterisks denote founding members.
To see art by current members of the Detroit Society of Women Painters and Sculptors, click here.
*Letta Crapo-Smith, portrait of her mother
*(founder) Letta Crapo-Smith, “First Birthday” 1902; the painting once hung in the Louvre and was awarded the bronze medal at the St Louis Exposition in 1904
*Letta Crapo-Smith
* (founder) Letta Crapo-Smith
*Lillian B. Meeser, original founder of DSWPS and one of the originators of the modern decorative still life
*Lillian B. Meeser
*Lillian B. Meeser, portrait of her daughter Carol
*Lillian B. Meeser
*Lillian B. Meeser
portrait of *Edith E. Haworth (1878-1953) by Robert Henri, 1909
Alexandrine McEwen and *Katherine McEwen at 7-Bar, their Arizona ranch
Alexandrine McEwen
*Katherine McEwen
*Katherine McEwen, Alaskan Mountains, 1931
*Katherine McEwen, murals, Christ Church Cranbrook
*Katherine McEwen
*Katherine Sibley McEwen, Yukon Sunset (DIA purchase 1924)
*Katherine McEwen, Mt Niblock, Detroit Institute of Arts permanent collection
*Katherine Sibley McEwen, mural in the dining room of the Cranbrook School for Boys
*Katherine Sibley McEwen, Dragoon Mt., Arizona
*Mary Chase Stratton, founder of Pewabic Pottery, Detroit
Guardian Building (Detroit) interior, decorated with tiles made by Pewabic Pottery (*Mary Chase Stratton, founder)
*Mary Chase Stratton (founder of Pewabic Pottery): Rainbow Fountain, Oriental Garden, Cranbrook
*Miriam Candler, “A Cold Day in Grand Circus Park”, 1900?
*Jane C. Stanley, Taos Canyon
*Jane C. Stanley, Tarbole, Lago di Garda
*Jane C. Stanley, Christino’s "Locha" (red horse)
*Jane C. Stanley
*Jane C. Stanley
*Jane C. Stanley
*Jane C. Stanley, painting of St Mark's Square in Venice
*Alice Viola Guysi (DSWPS Charter Member, exhibited at Paris Salon; supervisor of art in the Detroit Public Schools)
*Alice Viola Guysi, 1863-1940
*Della Garretson, Miss G (her twin sister, Lillie Garretson, also a DSWPS membeer)
Mildred Emerson Williams
Mildred Emerson Williams, Stairway in Chartres
Mildred Emerson Williams, “Le Pont Neuf, Paris”, lithograph, DIA permanent Collection
Mildred Emerson Williams, “At the Bronx Zoo”, (between 1935 & 1940) lithograph printed in black ink on wove paper DIA permanent collection
Mildred Emerson Williams, “Washington Square”, circa 1930, lithograph printed in black ink on wove paper
Mildred Emerson Williams, “Winter, Central Park”, lithograph printed in black ink on wove paper, DIA permanent collection
Mildred Emerson Williams (1892-1967), “Geranium”, early 20th c., DIA Permanent Collection
Mildred Emerson Williams, Detroit Skyline with Boblo Boat
Mildred Emerson Williams, "Backyard of New York"
Mildred Emerson Williams, "Brittany Market"
Mildred Emerson Williams
Iris Andrews Miller 1881-1981 (studied under William Chase Merritt)
Eva Belle Adams
Eva Belle Adams
Eve Belle Adams
Elizabeth Palmer Bradfield; joined 1922
Mary Longyear Palmer, 1922
Mary McLellan Hamilton (1891-1939), “Pixie”, 1926, wc on ivory (3”x2”) Metropolitan Art Collection NY, portrait of her niece Margaret Hamilton
Alice Hagerman Thurber (joined DSWPS in 1929)
Margaret Wilby (joined 1933)
Hanny Vander Velde (1883-1959) “Interior, Detroit Institute of Arts permanent collection
Hanny VanderVelde, 1924
Amy Lorimer, “Washington Boulevard”. The painting appeared in her solo show at the Detroit Artists Market
Amy Lorimer
Helen May (1909-1995; teacher of Louise J. Nobili and Mary Jane Bigler; art instructor, Detroit School of Design, University Liggett School, Wayne State University)
Lois Murphy 1949
Lois Murphy
Lois Murphy
Lois Murphy 1949
Matie R. Robinson (1872-1974)
Matie R. Robinson (1872-1974)
Ann Bedford Goodman (1896 - 1988), "Pearline (no. 3)," 1934
Ann Bedford Goodman (1896 - 1988)
Louise J. Nobili (1917-2004), Starlit Harbor, Detroit Institute of Arts Permanent Collection
Louise J. Nobili, Birds for Sale. Detroit Institute of Arts permanent collection
Louise J. Nobili (1917-2004), “First Sunday in November” (painted water reflections on Venice canal)
Louise J. Nobili (1917-2004)
Mary Jane Bigler; instrumental in establishing the Michigan Water Color Society, taught at Wayne State University
Mary Jane Bigler, Appenine
Mary Jane Bigler
Gloria Goedeke
Gloria Goedeke
Nancy Prophit (1934-1999)
Helen Cartmell (1923-2015)
Helen Cartmell, The Widow
Helen Cartmell
Helen Cartmell
Helen Cartmell, The Black Gown
Helen Cartmell
Amy Carels (1972-2018)
Frances Quint (1921-2022), Pillars of Stone Genesis, 1982, Wayne State University Permanent Art Collection
Frances Quint, Kurashiki, 1982
Bertha Cohen, Woman in Blue Dress
Tamara Essner, Flowers
Bonita Gaines, Lake Birch Trees Sky
Johanna Haas (b. 1925), Old Detroit Historic Houses
Barbara Keidan (1929-2022), Old Woman
Freda Kroll (1917-2011), Winter Morning
Sonia Molnar, Pink Hibiscus
Reba Pintzuk (1912-2016)
Ann Wallis Bull (1933-2016), Port Bras. Etching
Tamara Essner (d. 22017)
Berta Leone (1915-2006), Ode to the Paper Clip
Rita Skoczen, Summer in Ann Arbor
Bettina Tysklind (1922-2006), Spring
Peggy Sayed (1926-2018)
Margaret E. Wagner