Anne Furnaris
Anne Furnaris is a native of Romania (Southeastern Europe), the ancient mystical country of ballads and the earliest European civilization historically and anthropologically documented as the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture (over 40,000 years). In 1990, by the invisible Hand of Destiny, she escaped the Communist persecution, and from a political camp in Istanbul, Turkey, Anne and her husband were sent to the USA. God and the unseen Wheel of Destiny chose the USA to be her future country of naturalization.
Pursuing her innate passion for the Visual Arts, Anne Furnaris studied at the College for Creative Studies, Detroit, Michigan. She graduated with the Bachelor in Fine Arts. From the first year of the art college, Anne began painting and sculpting using Alchemical-Metaphysical and esoteric symbols, the essence of which originates in the Space-Time-World of the Inner Soul and Nonphysical Universe.
For years, Anne Furnaris has initiated and promoted an Alchemical-Metaphysical Art of the Inner Soul, while every year her artworks have been displayed in art museums, art clubs, art galleries, and art centers throughout Michigan, Washington DC, Turkey (Istanbul and Ciorum), Great Britain, and Brazil (Joinville, Santa Caterina), plus various internet international virtual exhibits. Between 1998 and 2006, she was the President of the Metaphysical-Christogrammic Art Center, an esoteric and gnostic center disseminating the Seed of Consciousness of her artistic and spiritual manifestation. For more info, please see her website,
Omphalos of the Earth
Artist’s Statement
All my artworks speak in the language of symbol, color, and multi-dimensional form about the truthful Brotherhood and Sisterhood of humanity. Within the Inner Self of Mankind shines the spiritual Light of Unity molding our future destiny in the infinite universe. My paintings and sculptures reveal the esoteric-Gnostic, iconographic, Rosicrucian, and spiritual mysteries encompassing the metaphysical existence of the Man-Soul and Woman-Soul united in One Image of Creation-Universe. Every line and structure-reflecting color and energy grasp the visual (physical space) perception and spiritual (non-physical space) perception into the sphere of immanent Soul and Consciousness, Spirit-embodied as Flesh, and Mind-transcending to the cosmological equation and Cosmo-Logos of Universal Life.
The bi-dimensional space of the paintings and the tri-dimensional space of the sculptures augmented by the vibrational energy of deep contemplation and perception can transcend your mind to the Inner Self of who you are, to the Spirit-Form-Substance and multi-dimensional space nature of your Being, the Being that was begotten in the Image of the Eternal Creator (the core of all religions has not been an epistemological compromise of history but a scientific process to evolve the Mind-Consciousness of Mankind).
Within my heart and mind, art is a spiritual manifestation and not a visual perceptive impulse, an inherent knowledge-giving consciousness evolution, an instrument to reveal not the mortal-physical space-life but the immortal-metaphysical space-life of our Human Beings and Universe. My artistic manifestation links the temporal-dimensional life of the Human Being to the cosmic matrix of existence of the Mother Terra-Earth, and further to the perennial realm of the immemorial cosmology of the Universe.
The Immortal Guardians of Humanity Best of Show, Greater Flint Art Council 2023 Exhibit
The Cosmic Pendulum
The Etheric Sun of the Universe